How do I reset an MDM-enrolled computer?

If you wish to reassign the computer

As part of the renewal of an employee's computer, you can request a remote reset of an MDM-enrolled computer.

To do this, follow the procedure below.

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If your computer has been lost or stolen

To remotely reset an MDM-enrolled device from the platform in the event of theft or loss, go to the "Fleet" page. Select the equipment, choose "Report stolen".

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4 conditions must be met for the remote reset request to be effective. Firstly, the equipment must be enrolled in the MDM. Secondly, it must be switched on, plugged in and connected to the Internet, otherwise the reset will not work.

After the reset, the computer will be :

- reset (factory setting)

- de-enrolled from MDM

- always inventoried on the platform and allocated to stock

⚠️ To reset a MacBook whose hard disk is encrypted via FileVault, the user session must be unlocked.

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