HiBob and rzilient join forces to facilitate IT and HR management with API connectivity

HiBob and rzilient join forces to facilitate IT and HR management with API connectivity

‍Automation, the best ally for HR and IT managers!

Today's HR and IT managers need to do more, faster, without getting bogged down in repetitive tasks. What if the tools worked together for you? That's whereautomation changes everything. Thanks to API connectivity between HiBob and rzilient, say goodbye to time-consuming manual processes.

In concrete terms, imagine this: a new employee arrives. Usually, HR and IT have to exchange information, configure the computer, install software and manage access. But with HiBob and rzilient, it's all automatic! Information from the HiBob HRIS triggers IT actions on rzilient: one click, and voilà, the equipment is ready, and accesses configured.

Great, isn't it?

The same goes for departures! An employee leaves the company? No more forgetting to deactivate an account or retrieve equipment. Synchronization between the two platforms takes care of it. You save time, everything is secure, and above all... no more worries about human error.

HiBob: the platform to simplify HR management

HiBob is the HRIS (Human Resources Information System) that makes life easier for HR professionals. Their mission? To help you easily manage your teams, without wasting time. An intuitive platform, designed for every stage of employee management: recruitment, follow-up, integration, departures.

What does this mean in concrete terms? Here are HiBob's key features:

-Complete employee tracking: all information at your fingertips, from CV to skills evolution.

-Onboarding and offboarding: no more paper checklists, everything can now be done simply and easily online.

-Team engagement: collaborative tools, performance management, everything to motivate your employees.

-HR dashboards: clear data for informed decision-making.

And the icing on the cake? HiBob integrates seamlessly with other tools via APIs, such as rzilient. This duo is here to simplify your life, connecting HR and IT for a smooth workflow.

Rzilient and HiBob: technological integration that changes everything

Integration between HiBob and rzilient is based on an API connection.

By the way, what's an API?

What is an API connection?

An API (Application Programming Interface) is like a bridge between two pieces of software. It enables tools to communicate with each other and exchange information automatically. No need to do everything manually, the API transmits data smoothly, quickly and securely. In short, it's the ally of automation!

How does onboarding work? When a new employee is added to HiBob, all information is sent to rzilient via the API. The result? IT equipment is automatically prepared and software configured, without you having to lift a finger. It's magical!

The same applies to departures: as soon as an employee is removed from HiBob, rzilient retrieves the equipment, cuts off access and ensures that everything is in order. A fast, efficient and secure process. No more worries, you can rest easy.

How does it work?

Let's take a closer look at the 3 highlights of HiBob x rzilient integration:

  1. Instant onboarding: A new employee? No problem. HiBob transmits the information, and rzilient takes care of preparing the computer, installing the software and configuring access in just one click. The employee is ready to work as soon as he or she arrives!
  2. Seamless offboarding: when an employee leaves the company, HiBob deletes his or her profile, and rzilient automatically manages equipment recovery and access deactivation. You can be sure that everything is secure.
  3. Real-time tracking: You always have a complete overview of your employees' equipment. Need to know who's using what? Want to track machine status? The API ensures constant synchronization between HiBob and rzilient to keep your information up to date.

This integration is guaranteed to save time, reduce errors and better manage your IT and HR resources. To find out how it works, follow our integration guide or consult our detailed tutorial.

Written by

Audrey Pogu

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