Battery condition, RAM usage...: how can you keep your IT equipment in good health?
Keep your IT assets healthy with our telemetry tool
HiBob and rzilient join forces to facilitate IT and HR management with API connectivity
Thanks to API connectivity between HiBob and rzilient, say goodbye to time-consuming, manual on- and off-boarding processes.
rzilient LITE - The essential free IT assistant with artificial intelligence
Try rzilient LITE, the IT assistant with artificial intelligence that simplifies your IT management. Free, intelligent and easy to use!
How does Trustpair automate its IT on/offboarding with rzilient?
HRIS & SaaS Management integration for automated on/offboarding
How do you get HR & IT offboarding back on track?
We've created your offboarding process on an actionable Notion that you can upload to your internal Notion.
How can you reduce IT costs for SMEs?
The IT costs associated with a computer fleet are numerous and represent a considerable proportion of the total expenses of an SME.
Making the right choice between leasing and purchasing IT equipment
Our expert's advice on the best strategy for your organization
IT asset management platform: rzilient or GLPI
GLPI and rzilient are two solutions that allow you to centralize your IT assets, but with varying degrees of functionality. We've benchmarked them for you and explain the main differences between the two solutions.
rzilient vs GLPI: 6 criteria for making the right choice
Managing an IT estate is expensive, time-consuming and has an impact on the environment.
Equipment tailored to your employees' needs
Our tips for choosing the best equipment for your needs