Discover the benefits of cloud computing

Discover the benefits of cloud computing

Understand cloud computing, to benefit from its advantages

The phenomenon has only accelerated since the Covid-19 pandemic: cloud computing is everywhere!

The successive confinements have forced companies to offer telecommuting solutions to their teams, thus promoting the deployment and use of cloud computing services.

In fact, startups in the industry (think Zoom!) have seen their revenue grow from 2020 to today. 🏆

A real cultural change has taken place in the professional world: remote work has been democratized, and cloud computing is now part of our habits. But do you know exactly what it is, and its benefits? That's the focus of this article 😊

Cloud computing: computer services via the Internet

Let's first decipher cloud computing and the type of services associated with it.

Definition of cloud computing

Cloud computing is the delivery of IT services (software, databases, hosting, analytics, etc.) over the Internet.

Why do we use the term clouds? ☁️☁️☁️

Because, for the customer, it doesn't matter where the servers hosting his IT service are, he doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

Customers no longer have to maintain a costly IT infrastructure, and can simply rent the services they need in a very flexible way.

Cloud providers, on the other hand, benefit from significant economies of scale, allowing them to offer very competitive prices to their customers.

The different types of cloud computing services

Everyday, we use services running on the cloud, often without knowing it.

Gmail email, for example, or Google Drive to store our documents and photos is the cloud 😀

Netflix, to watch our favorite series, also works thanks to the cloud!

In the business context, many applications are hosted in the cloud, as well as the data hosting we use.

Here is a categorization of the cloud, according to three main axes of the services offered:

  • IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service). This is the set of basic building blocks of computing, now accessible remotely: physical or virtual servers, data hosting, etc.
  • PaaS (Platform as a Service). These services are located between the infrastructure and the software, and allow, for example, remote access to an operating system.
  • SaaS (Software as a Service). SaaS is everywhere. It is the galaxy of applications and software that work remotely. Some examples: Office 365, SalesForce, Google Apps...

Strong growth in the use of cloud computing

Many companies today offer their IT applications only in the cloud.

Fewer and fewer organizations are managing their own servers themselves, given the cost and risk involved.

The stat' 2022: 57.7% of spending by companies on their business software runs on the cloud.

The advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing

The cloud, you will have understood, brings many advantages, but it also has a potential disadvantage.

The benefits of cloud computing

No need to spend a lot of money on your IT infrastructure.

There is also no need to recruit experienced IT specialists to maintain this infrastructure, which is good news at a time when the IT job market is very tight.

It also means that these resources saved (time and money), you can invest them in the development of your company, the creation of new offers, the satisfaction of your customers...

The cloud also allows you to test new services, which you don't know yet if they will be successful. Thanks to the cloud, your infrastructure can easily adapt to the increase of traffic and users on your application! 😃

Finally, the cloud is very useful for companies whose activity is seasonal: it allows them to pay for the necessary IT resources only during the peak period of activity.

Beware of security and migration costs!

For sensitive data, such as private, medical or political data, one may be apprehensive to host it in the cloud. Find out in our article how to set up a good security solution for your organization.

In addition, migrating your current infrastructure to the cloud is often a time-consuming and expensive process.

rzilient's all-in-one IT management platform innovates to solve these drawbacks, while bringing you all the benefits of the cloud.

Request a free, no-obligation demo of rzilient now!

Written by

Mathieu Maréchal

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