Implementing a good security solution for your organization

Regardless of the size of your company, the security of your IT system is probably a major concern (or should be!).
In 2021, 54% of businesses say they experienced between 1 and 3 attacks during the year. The question then is no longer whether you'll ever suffer a cyber hack, but how to prepare yourself to react properly when it happens.
Data theft, phishing, installation of malware... Cyber hackers have ever more ingenious ways of thwarting corporate IT security.
Between the evolution of work practices since the Covid-19 crisis and the increase in the number of devices, there are many loopholes that allow unwanted access to sensitive data. This is especially true in the current situation: for example, the war in Ukraine makes the Russian Antivirus Kaspersky highly inadvisable.
What are the solutions that exist to create a truly effective cybersecurity for your company, up to your needs and in compliance with the law?
What is computer security?
IT security, also known as cybersecurity, concerns all the practices, techniques and measures implemented by an organization with the aim of protecting :
- its terminals ;
- its sensitive data;
- its networks ;
- its networked services.
Having good cybersecurity also helps to limit the repercussions in case of an attack. 6 out of 10 companies report being negatively affected in 2021, for 21% it concerns a disruption of production and for 14% it concerns the dissemination of information that interferes with their work.
In addition to giving the possibility to minimize the effects of a potential incident, a good IT security allows to ensure that one meets the legal obligations - in particular those introduced by the RGPD (General Regulation on Data Protection), as well as to ensure the confirmation of the data collection on the website of the company, for example.
6 steps to effective cybersecurity
So what are the basic rules to ensure the IT security of your company? Rzilient gives you the 6 principles to follow to be cyber resilient.
1. Raise awareness and establish a computer security charter for your team
IT vulnerabilities are often the result of human error. It is therefore very important to train your teams on these issues, either throughout the year with practical exercises and dedicated training, or during their initial integration.
It's important to emphasize that cybersecurity is not the sole responsibility of management or the iT department. Every employee is held accountable for the use of their devices, the messages they broadcast and the information they share.
Co-creating an IT security charter is a good thing to put in place so that each person can refer to it in case of doubt. It sets the rules for the use of digital resources and communication in the company. It also allows to protect oneself in case of damage caused by an employee who would not have followed the rules.
2. Manage mobile devices
Faced with the evolution of work methods, it is necessary to consider the implementation of a software that allows the management of the company's computer fleet, even remotely.
Between people who work from home with their computers but have access to sensitive data and those who have a professional terminal, the implementation of an MDM, or Mobile Device Management is essential.
The basic features of a good MDM that allow it to block access in case of loss or theft of the device, but also to limit access to certain data outside the professional framework. MDM is an essential tool for good remote fleet management.
3. Keep computer equipment up to date
The second easiest breach for hackers to penetrate is undoubtedly the one opened by non-updated terminals.
Updating regularly will help protect you, but don't forget to install firewalls and antivirus software as well, and update them when necessary. These are the ones that monitor activities and see which ones are unwanted and dangerous.
This regular update also concerns the MDM, which makes it possible to keep the operating system up to date: Win10 & 11 or MacOS for example, as well as the applications.
4. Control the security level of devices and applications
Raising awareness among your team allows you to insist on certain points that are important for your company's cybersecurity:
- the use of a secure wi-fi when not working in the office, thanks to a VPN ;
- more complex passwords, and sometimes even double authentication;
- the use of professional and internal messaging systems to communicate.
This list is not exhaustive, but brings together important things to check to ensure your team is using company devices and data responsibly.
5. Prepare a rapid response to incidents
Being cyber resilient requires having the resources to respond quickly and easily to ongoing incidents. The challenge is to minimize the impact and related losses.
Take stock of your security situation beforehand to anticipate the day. To do this, ask yourself the following questions:
- What sensitive data can be stolen?
- Where are they housed?
- What is the means used to save them?
- What iT security solutions are deployed?
After that, establish steps and procedures to follow based on the incident.
It's also important to automate vulnerability patches to allow the right people looking into the incident to check it as soon as possible. This avoids checking all devices manually to find out where the problem is coming from.
6. Have an integrated technology
One of the most effective ways to ensure full IT security is to use an external solution, rather than developing it internally. This is what 77% of companies do.
Rzilient's cybersecurity offering includes Bitdefender, which uses advanced AI to instantly anticipate, detect and block threats before they cause damage, and a VPN offering. You also benefit from installation and monitoring with fast and efficient human IT service and support. By the end of 2022 this solution will even be ISO 27001 and 27701 certified.
Regardless of the size of your company, it is no longer possible to overlook the protection of your computer system.
To save time on these time-consuming and complex tasks, the best thing to do is to invest in powerful external solutions that will allow you to be armed and prepared against the various threats, to transform and improve your digital experience.
Let's discuss your project to determine how Rzilient can best help you secure your devices and data.
OpinionWay survey for the Club des Experts de la Sécurité de l'Information et du Numérique (CESIN).
5 practices that guarantee your company's IT security, Le Monde Informatique
Audrey Pogu