rzilient offers in-house Responsible Digital Knowledge certification

As a company working to democratize green IT, it is obvious that supporting our internal team to develop their skills and knowledge in terms of responsible digital (NR) is absolutely essential.
If we were not able to acculturate ourselves internally on the subject, how could we effectively guide other organizations towards more green iT?
In this context, and as part of the formalization and deployment of our CSR strategy and policy "Developing responsible working relationships and conditions" - in alignment with the Lucie26000 reference framework - we have decided to finance the Responsible Digital Knowledge certificate for all rzilient team members.
A little feedback.
CSR Action Principle: Continuous training of its employees
Developing responsible working relationships and conditions is an integral part of a complete and global CSR approach. Indeed, beyond a responsible business model and the positive impact of the product or service offered by a company, if the working conditions do not allow the fulfillment of its employees, the entrepreneurial project of the latter does not make full sense.
In an era of active and frantic search for meaning at work, organizations have a responsibility to ensure the well-being and fulfillment of their employees.
According to a 2017 study conducted by Deloitte and Viadeo, 87% of workers value the meaning of work. They are even 54% to consider that this quest for meaning guided their choice of profession. But here's the thing: 56% of those surveyed believe that the meaning of work has deteriorated. The phenomenon seems alarming.
Usbek & Rica
The meaning of work has deteriorated insofar as the conditions allowing each person to find, at least, meaning in what he or she does, are not systematically provided by organizations. Namely: "learning new things, passing on knowledge, taking on a challenge, resolving conflicts, and being recognized and thanked for one's contribution to the company's action". Today's employees are eager to learn, thirsty for new knowledge and want to pass it on to those around them.
From now on, continuous training must be an integral part of any Quality of Life at Work (QWL) policy.
Increase in knowledge and skills in Digital Responsibility
The company has the duty to ensure the continuous training of its employees. This is especially true in a sector as recent, complex and technical as green iT!
At a time when, according to the Green IT 2021 Benchmark, the digital office represents 27% of the sustainable GHG package of a French employee, it is essential that this topic be expanded and that employees at all levels be involved in order to drastically reduce the IT footprint of organizations. This requires increased awareness and acculturation on this notion so that each employee can grasp the subject and apply the right gestures on a daily basis, in order to participate at their own level in the global approach of the structure.
And insofar as rzilient's role is to support organizations in adopting green iT approaches, and particularly refurbished equipment, in order to guide them towards more responsible iT policies, we all owe it to ourselves to increase our skills and knowledge on the subject of NR. The idea is for everyone to be able to pass on the knowledge they have acquired at Rzilient.
Getting acculturated to green iT makes the work of every team member all the more meaningful! From this observation stems our willingness to finance the NR knowledge certification as a first step and introduction to the subject for all new employees joining the project. This is followed by a training plan that we have defined and regularly nurture in order to offer training sessions and awareness-raising workshops - with the aim of helping people understand the issues at stake in NR, then delving deeper into the themes and providing the tools to enable rzilient employees to become truly committed citizens.
The NR: a learning and continuous improvement process
As NR is a continuous improvement approach aiming to reduce the digital footprint in the long term, offering continuous learning and training to our employees allows us to feed the approach, and is an integral part of it.
In fact, one of the strategic axes of NR is to encourage the emergence of new behaviors and values towards greater resilience, hence the need to continually educate on the subject in order to include the entire team in the internal and external NR project. Inscribing the green iT in our DNA and corporate culture beyond our activity thus requires training and awareness-raising for all our employees.
All this with the aim of ensuring the continuous improvement of our project to accompany you in the implementation of a responsible iT policy. 💚
You too can educate your teams about RNE. Do you want to get involved in green iT and RNE processes? Let's talk about it!
Audrey Pogu