The 4 problems you avoid with an Identity Provider

The 4 problems you avoid with an Identity Provider

Have you ever heard of the Identity Provider concept?

It is a technological solution that allows your company to manage and authenticate the identities of your users.

The associated acronym is IAM (Identity and Access Management).

Indeed, nothing is more important, in our ultra-connected world, than to guarantee that the people who access your information system (containing your sensitive data) have the right authorization. Otherwise, you expose yourself to very costly computer attacks.

Having a quality Identity Provider is therefore an integral part of your cybersecurity strategy.

In the rest of this article, we will first see the advantages of this tool, and then 4 common problems avoided by using an Identity Provider.

The benefits of using an IAM

Simplification of identity management 

The first benefit of an IAM is that it centralizes user identity management, allowing you to manage user access to all enterprise applications and services from a single location.

This reduces the administrative workload and allows for more efficient identity and access management.

Improving your computer security

That's not all!

With the implementation of an IAM in your IT system, you greatly strengthen the level of cybersecurity of your company.

In addition, since the computer workstation is often a vulnerability in IT security, managing access to applications via these workstations is of particular importance.

Simplification of the user experience

For your teams, the Identity Provider also brings the advantage of being able to use and remember a single login and password pair.

Thanks to this information, your users will be able to access all your company's applications and services without having to log in again! 

The consequence is immediate: significant productivity gains.

Indeed, your users will no longer waste time "finding their passwords" for the various applications they use.

They will also avoid wasting time on a daily basis when reconnecting to these applications, thus improving their productivity.

In the end, IAM is one of those tools that can contribute to the satisfaction of your team, thanks to a simpler work and without unnecessary waste of time!

Strengthening your compliance

Last but not least, the Identity Provider allows you to be compliant with personal data regulations (such as the RGPD).

With fine-grained and structured access, identity and privilege management, it's much easier for you to maintain data confidentiality and protect sensitive information.

Avoid these 4 problems with your Identity Provider

Let's go through 4 problems frequently encountered in French companies, which disappear thanks to the use of an IAM!

Reduction of "password exhaustion".

Your employees have to remember many passwords. But as the number of passwords increases, so do the risks. You have to invent new ones, remember them, not make mistakes, find them again in case of error... Exhausting, isn't it?

To limit this password fatigue, many employees start keeping written notes, spreadsheets, and cheat sheets, all of which have little or no security.

All these documents containing sensitive data (since they allow access to your information system) can fall into the hands of hackers.

With an AMI, this risk disappears!

Time saving in the management of user lists

Your teams of employees, your partners and subcontractors, and your customers all potentially need access to some of your company's IT applications.

Managing these user lists, as well as their rights and access, can be very time-consuming.

Your IT team certainly has other more relevant missions to perform to help your business grow!

With the use of an IAM, all this administrative work of monitoring access disappears.

By the way, did you know? The Rzilient Managed Services platform acts as an IAM (among other features)!

Easy to identify errors

When someone makes a mistake, it is useful to be able to identify this person, in order to train him or her and to accompany him or her in the evolution of his or her skills or behaviors (in order to prevent this mistake from happening again).

An Identity Provider keeps track of who was online, at what time, and on what application, in order to facilitate error identification and resolution.

Disparate databases

Your business operates at its best when it has a single version of useful information.

If your employees log into their applications via different methods each time, it becomes very difficult to get a clear picture of the overall situation...

User lists are not up to date and are duplicated between services, creating risks of errors.

This quickly leads to problems of consistency and management of your access and identity. These problems disappear with the implementation of an IAM!

Conclusion: Rzilient gives you access to AMI and much more!

As we have seen, having an IAM tool can solve many problems for your company, and also bring you tangible benefits.

The Rzilient platform happens to offer many integrations with various IAMs on the market (among other features).

Written by

Mathieu Maréchal

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