How to transform your office into a circular and eco-responsible mode in 2022

How to transform your office into a circular and eco-responsible mode in 2022

To limit the impact on the environment in your company, there are several possible levels of action to take:

  • The evolution of the company's activities,
  • The development of individual approaches by employees,
  • Deployment ofactions in the office

In this article, we will focus on the last one, which is not sufficient on its own, but already allows to activate some nice levers.

There are indeed many aspects of corporate life that can be taken into account: energy, computer and electronic equipment, mobility/travel, supplies, facilities, etc. These subjects are so numerous and vast that it is necessary to prioritize them, and to prioritize the resulting actions. Putting in place water bottles to limit single-use cups is certainly a simple and quick action to implement, but it cannot replace a more in-depth analysis of possible savings on the energy aspects of the building, for example. This prioritization can be done after the impact measurement phase, via a carbon assessment for example, to understand which actions should be implemented first.

An overview of some of the issues and levers to be used: 

Commit to a responsible digital approach

The environmental footprint related to digital is increasing sharply, if you are on this blog you surely know that 😉.

The impact comes less from the use of the devices than from their manufacture. However, there are steps to take to reduce your daily footprint and move towards a more responsible digital lifestyle. As a bonus, it also allows you to save money!

  1. Reduce its equipment rate,
  2. Extend the life of existing hardware (by adopting reconditioned equipmentor by outsourcing the management of your computer equipment for example),
  3. Adopt more sober and responsible practices to reduce energy consumption,
  4. Systematize collection for reuse or recycling at the end of life.

Responsible digital technology requires, first and foremost, greater sobriety in equipment, less in infrastructure and data centers, which are increasingly optimized.

Reduce energy consumption

Reducing energy consumption sometimes requires substantial investments at the beginning, but allows real financial gains and a consequent environmental impact in the long term. Be careful, however, to make a comparative analysis between the environmental gain of the action implemented and the conservation of the existing situation. For example, perhaps a laser printer still in very good condition will certainly consume more energy, but will have a lower carbon impact than the purchase of a new inkjet printer!

Some possible levers: 

  1. Adjusting the heating, which accounts for 50% of energy consumption in the office (Ademe): intelligent temperature control system, reducing the heating by one or two degrees...
  2. Save electricity: low-energy light bulbs, limit artificial lighting to reduce lighting costs (installation of motion sensors in rooms that are not used much),
  3. Reasonable water consumption: cold water taps, water-saving installations in rooms such as toilets (double flushes) or kitchens (energy-efficient appliances),
  4. Turn off devices that can be turned off at night such as monitors.

Adopt eco-responsible office equipment

Office furnishings generate a very strong environmental impact: in 2019, 93,500 tons of office furniture were collected from French companies that no longer need it, and only 4% will currently be reused (source: Valdelia). The remaining 96% is partly recycled, but also incinerated and buried... 

At the corporate level, there are some simple things that can be done:

  1. Re-use as much of its equipment as possible internally or for the benefit of other actors: perhaps the furniture in the cafeteria can be re-used as a meeting room, or given to an association?
  2. Buy (or rent) furniture from reuse. An ergonomic chair that has already spent a few short years in a company can, after reconditioning, fully meet your needs, while making a gain in quality and/or financial savings compared to a new product.
  3. Give preference to furniture designed with recycled and/or recyclable materials, as well as biosourced and local materials such as French wood.
The hardest part is often to identify what can be reused and to identify the actors allowing the reuse and upcycling of furniture. Fairspace responds to this need by offering sustainable furnishing solutions for companies, by imagining and designing workspaces based on circular economy and quality of life at work principles.

Reduce waste and promote recycling

120 to 140 kg of waste are produced per year for each employee in the tertiary sector (Ademe). This impressive quantity of products destined to be discarded calls for the implementation of a few simple steps to reduce this waste: 

  1. Set up compartmentalized sorting areas, and always offer the user the possibility to sort his waste.
  2. Use paper and ink sensibly by setting printer parameters and raising team awareness. As well as sourcing labelled paper and recycled ink cartridges.
  3. Invest in reusable dishes and coffee machines without capsules.

These 4 eco-responsible practices to be implemented in the professional environment will not only allow you to save money, but also to have a significant impact on our environment. While they may seem like an economic effort to implement and practice, they will be worth it in the long run!

This article is a collaboration with FairspaceFairspace, the start-up for sustainable workspaces.

Fairspace offers a turnkey solution to companies and communities wishing to fit out and furnish their workspaces in a sustainable manner. They are involved in the entire project, from the design stage to the final installation of the teams.

Their approach, focused on working conditions and quality of life, facilitates the adhesion of users and the sustainability of the spaces created. Beyond the aesthetic dimension, the spaces created are above all useful, comfortable and durable.


Written by

Audrey Pogu

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