Corporate green iT policies and practices: what's the latest?

Corporate green iT policies and practices: what's the latest?

What if green iT was first and foremost about optimizing the use of equipment and associated iT services to extend their lifespan? This is the conclusion of our 2022 barometer on green IT practices and policies in companies.

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40% of companies say that at least two-thirds of their equipment is refurbished.

Even if the adoption of a mostly refurbished iT fleet seems to be more frequent than before in some companies, others are not left behind. 75% of them claim to be equipped with at least 30% of refurbished equipment. This choice is notably driven by a considerable financial benefit, and a responsible digital awareness.

A quest for performance and reliability in iT equipment today.

53% of respondents said that quality is, and may have been in the past, a sticking point in their orders for refurbished computers and IT equipment. Beyond this observation, the performance of the equipment, and in particular its durability, is nowadays essential according to the SMEs surveyed.

"This need for performance and reliability is what we focus on at Largo. As a 100% French refurbisher, our mission is to put back on the market equipment that has been tested, inspected and, above all, with a performance that meets the expectations of a professional," says Christophe Brunot, co-founder of Largo.

Over 50% of employees have never used an IT department...

... while on average, an employee loses 109 hours per year due to IT slowness: a real frustration for employees and a big loss in terms of productivity. This is why we have integrated all iT services into a SaaS, enriching it with an AI dimension never seen before in IT management. This centralization of iT tools and topics simplifies time-consuming yet essential tasks for both managers and employees, and maximizes the use of equipment over time.

"In order to develop a complete B2B offer, we have joined forces with Rzilient's teams to offer a 360 experience, from the acquisition of refurbished devices, their enrolment in the company's tools, to the optimization of the fleet and thus enable refurbished devices to meet business requirements," says Benjamin Glaenzer, General Manager Back Market for Business.

Positive notes to complete a green iT circuit

When equipment reaches the end of its life, nearly 60% of companies say they send it to a dedicated organization for recycling.

ZACK, the circular economy subsidiary of the Manutan Group and a partner in this barometer and a committed player in the circularization of electronic equipment, says: "We know that the loop will only be closed when we manage to collect IT and electronic equipment to reuse or repair them as much as possible. Recycling should only be the last solution, even if it is always better than doing nothing! This is why we resell, for our customers, their products that still have value. The others will be given to our partner associations. We have a 45% reuse rate for the used products we collect, when the average rate in France for WEEE collected under an eco-organization is barely 2%."

40% of the companies surveyed want to commit to a more responsible digital policy in the short term - plenty of room for improvement. However, 20% believe that they do not have the necessary resources to implement such a policy, despite a strong desire to do so. Indeed, this approach cannot be initiated alone, and the need to surround oneself with specialized players or solutions is increasingly felt. This is why Rzilient exists: to support companies in a simpler and more responsible IT management.

Download our report on green IT policies and practices in companies

Written by

Audrey Pogu

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