Platform use
What are the differences between the roles on the platform?
Two roles can be assigned on the platform: administrator or employee.
Theadministrator 's role is to manage the company's IT assets.
💻 Visualize the IT fleet at a glance: securing, enrolling, etc.
➕ Manage employee arrivals and departures
📦 Order materials and track open orders
🆘 Track open tickets with IT support
🔒 wipe of remote equipment in the event of theft or loss
Theemployee role is assigned to all employees with restricted access. These users cannot view or modify the company fleet.
💻 Visualize assigned equipment and wipe in case of emergency
📦 Request equipment renewal and track orders
💬 Get help from IT support in case of problems
If you wish, you canhide prices in the marketplace for employees, or hide the page. To do so, please contact our support team.
You can also provide them with a restricted catalog of pre-selected equipment (orders subject to administrator approval) by adding the items to your favorites.
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