Digital Responsibility

Engage in the green iT with rzilient

Digital is at the heart of our daily office lives. Together, we can reduce its impact by making IT management more responsible. Discover our commitments, and join our green iT adventure.

State of the art

Let's limit the environmental impact of digital technology

4% of global GHG emissions

With the strong increase in usage, this figure will probably double by 2025. If digital were a country, it would have about 3 to 4 times the footprint of France.

WeNR 2021 Public Report, INR, 2021

77% of GHG emissions from organizations

Manufacturing has the greatest impact on the life cycle of office equipment.

Evaluation of the environmental impact of digital technology in France and prospective analysis, Ademe and Arcep, 2022

A fleet renewed 3 times more often

Between 1985 and 2015, the length of time a computer has been in use has dropped from 11 to 4 years.

Digital issues, Label Numérique Responsable

Let's double the lifespan
of your IT equipment

Finally a really good idea to reduce the environmental impact of digital in your company.

All-in-one platform

Proactive and responsible IT management

Responsible inventory

Keep control of your fleet, and optimize the use of equipment

Quickly and easily identify your equipment and its technical characteristics directly from the rzilient platform.

To each employee his or her own IT needs! By reassigning equipment in-house and choosing devices that match the real needs of your employees, you ensure optimal use of your IT assets.

Avoid overperforming equipment

Optimize the performance of your fleet

Intelligent automation

Anticipate your computer breakdowns

Enable predictive steering connected to your real data with our unique AI innovation. Get a personalized report and receive live alerts that will help you make the right decisions to reduce the carbon footprint of your digital business.

Save time

Opt for proactive management

Maintenance of equipment

Access iT support and ensure long performance

Take advantage of our IT expertise - get your computers and smartphones repaired, avoid the purchase and production of a new device, and reduce the digital impact of your organization.

Save on your iT budget

Extend the life of your equipment

Our partners

Responsible - even at the end of life

In 2020, nearly 900 tons of waste electrical and electronic equipment were collected in France, with a recycling rate of 77%, according to Ademe.

We are reducing the impact of waste from our activities and those of our customers as much as possible - by recycling it or giving it a second life through our partners.

Our labels

A project with recognized and sustained impact

Since its creation, the rzilient project has received several labels attesting to its commitment to a more responsible digital world.


3 reasons to extend the life of your iT equipment

Why is it necessary to use your iT park as much as possible as long as it is functional? How to extend its life ?

The impact of digital terminals in companies: pollution and issues

Faced with the dizzying increase in the number of digital equipment, what can we do? Because the pollution and the resulting impacts are just as numerous.