PUR develops initiatives aimed at integrating climate issues at the heart of companies' value chains.
Find out how Basile, Helpdesk Technician at PUR, has transformed the company's IT asset management, and why it's so important.
When PUR joined the company a year ago, it had around 100 employees. As the company expanded to 200 employees spread across Africa, Latin America, North America and Asia, the need for impeccable organization and connected tools became crucial.

Basile took charge of the management of PUR's IT assets, facing a variety of challenges. Accompanied by Bérénice, Customer Success Manager at rzilient, he took on large-scale IT projects to guarantee the performance and security of PUR's IT assets.
We'll tell you how:
Consulting and support for IT project implementation
Project 1: Enrolment of all IT equipment
Some employees were using unregistered computers, while others were using operating systems unsuited to the company's rules. What's more, the lack of follow-up in the provision of high-performance tools made management complex.
PUR simplified its enrolment process with the help of the rzilient team.
From now on, when a new employee joins PUR :
- For French employees, their new or ex-stock computer is already enrolled and ready to use.
- For employees abroad, their computer is purchased locally, and a registration request is automatically sent to them on arrival.
Project 2: Securing data and equipment
The second project with rzilient was aimed at securing the company's IT assets using the Mobile Device Management (MDM) tool. Initially, only a minority of equipment was registered. Now, thanks to a roadmap drawn up by rzilient and tracking available on the platform, all PUR employees are enrolled.
This MDM enrolment ensures the protection of PUR's fleet by offering remote antivirus installation, application access control and management, and the ability to remotely disable devices in the event of loss or departure.
Thanks to rzilient, we have been able to effectively secure our IT estate, moving from a small half of the equipment initially enrolled to full coverage of all PUR employees.
To find out how the rzilient solution can support your specific IT projects, talk to our teams.

A platform for IT performance
Basile sees rzilient as an organizational tool that enables him to track his equipment, automate processes and develop communication with HR departments in all the countries where PUR operates.
It's a tool that supports IT in the same way that HRIS software supports HR.
Centralized view and action management
Thanks to the detailed inventory view, Basile saves time by not having to ask his colleagues to collect information from their computers. The PUR Helpdesk technician finds information directly on the platform in real time, and sorts it according to the type of information required. This allows them to concentrate on their core business.
rzilient simplifies my day-to-day work: I can easily filter according to any data and manage the resulting actions on the equipment concerned.
The platform also gives him access to an on/offboarding calendar. Every day, Basile consults PUR's onboarding level to anticipate any necessary actions.
I use the platform every day, from morning to night. I'm always on it, especially to make sure that I'm following up on enrollments and that my equipment is working properly.
IT support
For IT support, Basile enables his colleagues to contact rzilient support autonomously via an online chat.
However, if necessary, he contacts rzilient support directly. This approach saves him time in his work.
Simplified equipment procurement and sourcing
Basile uses the platform to order new computers as soon as its stock dwindles. The platform provides access to the company's current stock and to a multi-vendor catalog from the onboarding process.
Find out how the platform supports the day-to-day work of IT profiles
See how rzilient supports and facilitates the day-to-day work of IT profiles.

Project 2024: towards ISO 27001 certification?
In 2024, PUR's plans include updating operating systems on certain computers, systematizing hard disk encryption, and potentially obtaining ISO 27001 certification.
This would enable PUR to certify its resilience in the event of security problems, thus facilitating the acquisition of new customers and partners.
To find out how our platform can be integrated into your company's IT environment, book a demo.